Brand development.

The right branding leads to a profitable and scalable digital business. The Social Hour is on your side to create a brand that not only you love, but your audience does too.

Brand Research.

We scout the market to understand your resilient competitors and what the audience wants and expects within your industry.

Not only understanding your brand but the industry competitors out there like it is crucial to climbing the ranks of industry expertise and influence.

Brand Identity.

What does your brand represent and mean to your audience? Through combining creative abilities and detailed industry research, we help you build a brand identity that feels right to you and the customers looking for someone just like you.

Brand identity goes beyond a logo, rather it’s an in-depth dive into your business core messaging and target consumer.

Brand Strategy.

Once you’ve finally built the brand, it’s time to make a strategy. Say what?

This is when the hard work begins and too often this piece is forgotten. Without a brand strategy, your brand could be missing out on opportunities and growth measurements toward a defined targeted audience. 

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With the right branding, results come naturally. We help you build a brand with a strong foundation for growth.

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Define your audience.

Your brand visuals, written copy and tone all send a message to your audience. Create a brand targeted to the exact individuals you want to be doing business with.

Scale & profit.

Building a brand online can often feel like a speeding bullet with the target nowhere in sight. Slow down and let us handle the rest.

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